What do I do if a customer has provided an email address via the online file?

Here's what you can do if your customer provides an email address via checkinvoices.com.

Last updated: May 13, 2024

In every e-mail or letter your customer receives from Payt, there is a link to their online dossier. Through this website, checkinvoices.com, the customer can ask questions about the invoice, pay directly via iDEAL (provided you offer this option), or make a payment arrangement.

In some cases, your customer's e-mail address is not known. They can then choose to provide an e-mail address via the online dossier.

Find the given e-mail address in Payt

The list of customers who have submitted an e-mail address in this way can be found in Payt. Go to your invoice list and choose the filter 'Email address provided' under the 'Attention' filter.

Here you will find the customers who have provided an e-mail address. Open the customer and choose 'Customer settings' at the top right. Navigate to 'Sending settings' on the left. Here you will find the mail address provided by the customer. You can copy this e-mail address into your accounting package. At the next import, the e-mail address will then be added into Payt.

Please note: Payt only refreshes data of customers who currently have an outstanding invoice.

Determine in which letters you ask for an e-mail address

You can actively ask your customers to supply an e-mail address in letters from Payt. Go to your administration settings via the cogwheel icon at the top right and choose your 'Invoicing' settings on the left.


Here, you will find a setting for collecting an e-mail address. You can distinguish between requesting mail addresses in the invoice letters and reminder letters.
