This article provides information on how to resolve the error message 'Potential bookkeeping mistake'.
When you see that an invoice is blocked with the reason 'Potential bookkeeping mistake' there can be a number of causes. The reason is shown on the invoice page in the timeline on the right, for example:
The outstanding amount is higher than the invoice amount
This message is usually shown in the context of credit notes where a payment of the customer is registered. Because the outstanding amount will become higher than the invoice amount we assume that this was a mistake and block the invoice. To resume the invoice, correct the invoice in your bookkeeping.
Too much has been booked on this invoice
This message is shown when the registered payment is higher than the outstanding amount of the invoice. This results in a negative outstanding amount. You can correct this by refunding the amount to the customer and registering a negative payment on the invoice so that the outstanding amount becomes zero.
Tip: If you're making use of the 'Online payments' module in Payt your customer can pay with iDEAL. This way you prevent these kind of bookkeepping mistakes as the customer pays the exact amount. To read more about iDEAL you can check our support article: How do I add an iDEAL link for my customers?
Invoice has reopened after a longer period
The invoice has been reopened after it was paid long ago. We assume this is a mistake and block the invoice to be sure. Check in your bookkeeping whether the reopening was correct and resume the invoice with the 'Actions' button if necessary.