Here you can read more about the different email fields that Payt imports from Twinfield.
This article explains where to enter the following four types of email addresses in Twinfield:
- The Mail2Payt address used to send invoice PDFs to the Payt server
- The default email address
- The email address for invoice sending
- The email address for reminders
Mail2Payt address
If invoice documents (PDFs) are created in Twinfield and invoices are sent via Payt, you need to enter the Mail2Payt address (FTP email address) for each customer in Twinfield in the 'Invoice settings' tab -> 'Billing e-mail address'.
This ensures that PDFs are sent to the server of Payt. You will receive this email address from a Payt representative during the implementation process. PDFs will the only be sent to Payt.
Tip: You can also download all customers in Twinfield at once into an Excel file, update the email addresses, and upload the updated file back into Twinfield. This is useful for entering the Mail2Payt address for all customers in one go.
Default email address
In Twinfield, you can specify which address field is used by default. In Payt, there is a setting in your administration that allows Payt to use this default address instead of following the sequence below. By default, the following hierarchy is applied for the default email address:
- Invoice address
- Post address
- Visit address
Email address for invoice sending
If Payt handles the invoice sending for your invoices, enter the email address for invoice sending in Twinfield under the customer's 'Invoice settings' tab -> 'Electronic invoicing'.
Tip: If you also enter the Mail2Payt address here, you can separate the two email addresses with a comma. The Mail2Payt address will be filtered out for invoice delivery purposes.
Email address for reminders
By default, the reminders are sent to the default email address. If you want reminders to be sent to a different email address, enter this email address under 'Credit management' -> 'E-mail address'.