How do I create a conditional payment plan?

With a conditional payment plan, you set up in advance how your customer may pay in instalments.

Last updated: April 29, 2024

A conditional payment plan allows you to pre-set a set of conditions under which a payment plan is offered to your customer. This allows your customer to choose whether to payt he invoice all at once, or to make use of the proposed payment plan. If the customer activates the payment plan, you won't have to take any further action yourself.

How does it work?

When setting up a conditional payment plan, you decide on the following options:

  • The number of instalments in the payment plan
  • Whether the instalments will be on a weekly or monthly basis (one-offs are not allowed)
  • The number of days between the creation of the arrangement and the due date of the first instalment

Next, you choose when you want to offer the payment plan. Here you have the following options:

  • Whether you want to offer the payment plan only to invoices or cases, or to both
  • A range in which the outstanding amount must fall to qualify for the payment plan (e.g. the outstanding amount is between 25 and 500 euros)

Note: when creating a conditional payment plan, the settings may not overlap. If the setting 'Invoice, 200-500 euros' is chosen, the setting 'Invoice, 250-600 euros' may not be added. The setting 'Case, 250-600 euros' would still be available.

What does it look like for the customer?

The email templates show a 'Pay in instalments' button. If the customer clicks it, they go to the online portal where they see the outstanding invoice/collection case plus an overview of the payment plan.

How do I create a conditional payment plan?

Step 1 - Customer portal

Via your administration settings (the cogwheel icon in the top right corner), go to the 'Customer portal' settings.

Step 2 - Create a template

Click on 'New template' under 'Conditional payment plans'.


Step 3 - Define template

Name An internal name that is not otherwise communicated to the customer. E.g. 'Payment plan 4 instalments'.
Payment interval  Whether the instalments should be paid weekly or monthly.
Number of instalments How many instalments the payment plan should consist of.
Rounding method

How term amounts may be rounded.

  • Whole amounts: The first terms will be rounded to a whole amount. The last term may differ to accommodate the remaining invoice amount.
  • Relative: Rounding will occur based on the term amount. The higher the amount, the further we round up.
  • None: The terms won't be rounded, so they are the same.
Offset How many days after accepting the payment plan the first instalment should start.
Description If desired, you may add a more detailed description to the plan.

From here, click 'Create template'.

Step 4 - Add conditions

Click on the plus icon -> 'Add template icon'.

Step 5 - Define conditions

Now you define when the template should be applied.

Name An internal name that is not otherwise communicated to the customer. E.g. 'Invoices 1000 - 2000 euros'.
Applies to Whether the scheme should only be offered for invoices, collection cases, or both.
Open amount For which outstanding amounts the scheme may be offered, and in which currency.
Description If desired, you may add a more extensive description to the condition.

You finalise the conditions via 'Create condition'.

It is possible to create multiple conditions for one template.

Step 6 - Overview of the conditional payment plans

After setting up your conditional payment plans, you will have an overview that will look something like this: