How can I delete an invoice?

Find out how to delete an invoice here.

Last updated: December 21, 2023

From time to time, something may have gone wrong in the accounts. For example, the invoice was created with the wrong debtor or the due date is incorrect. This kind of data cannot be changed after an invoice has been loaded into Payt. For these cases, it is possible, under certain conditions, to delete the invoice from Payt so it can be reloaded into Payt.

Deleting an invoice

If no steps have been executed yet for this invoice, the invoice can be deleted provided the user has sufficient rights. To delete the invoice, go to the relevant invoice, click 'Actions' and then click 'Delete'.

Reloading an invoice

After deleting the invoice, the next automatic import will reload the invoice with the corrected data.

Prevent invoice from being reloaded

Do you want to prevent invoices from being loaded into Payt again? The invoice numbers should be mentioned in the ignore list in your import settings before they are reloaded duringt the next automatic import.