What steps does a debt collection case go through?

Explanation of the different steps for Payt debt collection cases.

Last updated: February 27, 2025

Cases can be at different stages. The various stages are explained below.

New Contains cases that have been created, but for which nothing has been sent yet
Reminder Contains cases for which the first reminder has been sent. The reminder also belongs to this phase
Second reminder Contains items for which the second reminder has been sent. This phase also includes the reminder second reminder
Notice of default Contains items for which the notice of default has been sent
Ready for bailiff Contains cases that are ready to be sent to the bailiff. In some cases the PDF documents of the invoice are missing, these must be added first
Pre-court Contains cases for which the pre-court letter has been sent, but which have not yet been definitively forwarded to the bailiff
Bailiff Contains cases that have been forwarded to the bailiff

Want to learn more about the collection process within Payt? Check our support article: 'How does Payt's debt collection process work?'