How can I let my customers authorize a direct debit via Mollie?

Enabling customers to authorize a direct debit through Mollie.

Last updated: January 21, 2025

Payt allows you to quickly and easily offer direct debit payment options to your customers. We have integrated Mollie's direct debit service into our platform. This concerns the standard SEPA Core Schema.

How it works

When you activate direct debit in Payt and connect it to Mollie, we will include a button in the invoice email sent to your customers, allowing them to authorize a direct debit.


The customer completes this process by paying the invoice via iDEAL, which directly records and verifies the IBAN number and account holder's name. Payt saves this authorization and will process future invoices for these customers via direct debit. The phrasing of the emails will also be updated accordingly.


If a direct debit payment is reversed, Payt will receive a notification from Mollie. Upon receiving this notification, we will check your daily import to determine if the invoice has been paid. If there is an outstanding balance, Payt will initiate the reminder process. Reversals can occur up to eight weeks after the direct debit date.

Additional considerations

  • If you plan to use direct debit via Mollie, you must set up Mollie as your PSP (Payment Service Provider). This applies to both iDEAL payments and direct debits.
  • Direct debits will be processed by Stichting Mollie Payments. This will also appear on your customer's bank statement as the beneficiary. The description will include your (company) name and the invoice number. This setup may lead to a slightly higher number of reversals compared to processing direct debits through a bank.
  • In Payt, you can set up different workflows to offer direct debit to one group of customers while excluding another. Whether this is possible in your case depends on the accounting package you use.
  • In Payt's administration settings, you can configure the timing of the direct debit. Make sure this aligns well with your invoicing process.

Mollie fees

Cost type Price per unit in euros (2023)
Implementation Payt

€ 100

Direct debit (Mollie) € 0.25
SEPA failed (Mollie) € 0.60
SEPA reversal (Mollie) € 1.50
Chargeback (Mollie) € 25

Are you interested in integrating Mollie for direct debit? Contact the Payt service desk for more information.