2024-01 Payt Update: January

Every day we are working on implementing new features, improving the ease of use and performance of Payt. In January, we made a number of improvements that we'd like to share with you.

Last updated: January 31, 2024

Download entire file of customer at once

Do you have a customer who's not paying, and you're wanting to forward their file to your bailiff in one go, without having to wait for the rest of the invoicing process? Since recently, you can download the entire file in one go with the 'Download file' button on the customer page. Don't forget to pause the customer if the process in Payt should not continue.

Waive collection and administration costs in bulk

It is now possible to waive your collection costs and administration costs (if applicable) in bulk. If you have more cases you want to complete in one go, you can go to the 'Bulk actions' button on the 'Cases' and 'Invoices' pages to do so: