2023-09 Payt Update: September

Every day we are working on implementing new features, improving the ease of use and performance of Payt. In September, we made a number of improvements that we'd like to share with you.

Last updated: October 19, 2023

Adjusting your export settings

Users can run various exports in Payt: invoices, customers, cases, and more. You are now able to decide exactly which columns you want to see in the exports. Click on your name in the top right of Payt to open your profile settings. From there, go to 'Export settings' to determine which columns you want to receive for each export.



We've added several automations to make it even easier to keep track of your dashboard. For example, you can now automatically complete messages, notes, and tasks when your invoice or case is paid.

You can set your automations in the administration settings. To do so, go to the cogwheel icon at the top right of your administration and choose 'Automations' on the left. On this page, you can choose how you'd like to handle your messages, notes, and tasks in different circumstances.


Outstanding items overview via SMS

To make it even easier to send your outstanding items overview, you can now also send it to your customer via SMS. To do so, go to 'Actions' -> 'Send outstanding items overview' on the customer page. The option to send your overview by SMS appears here. Enter your customer's phone number and they will receive an SMS with the open amount.

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