How does the follow-up of different payment conditions work in Payt?

If you submit your invoices to Payt with a payment condition, you an decide how these invoices should be followed up.

Last updated: October 7, 2024

What are payment conditions?

Payment conditions are specific characteristics that you can assign to an invoice in your accounting package. For example, a payment condition might indicate that an invoice has a longer payment term than usual, or that the customer will pay via direct debit.

We can also look at other characteristics of the invoice, such as the payment term or payment method.

How do I determine the follow-up of different payment conditions in Payt?

If you can provide us with payment conditions, you can then determine the follow-up per payment condition. The follow-up of such an invoice is based on a flow. By flow, we mean the invoice process: when we send the invoice and when the reminders are sent to your customer.


Linking payment conditions to a specific flow cannot be done by yourself, but a Payt employee can set it up for you. Please contact the service desk to configure this for you.