How does Payt verify phone numbers?

Payt checks whether the phone numbers in your accounting package are valid and can be used for contact.

Last updated: July 31, 2024

Phone numbers are not simply taken from your accounting package. Payt checks if the phone number is valid and show you a warning if we believe this is not the case. We follow these steps:

  1. We remove everything from the phone number that is not a digit or a plus (+) sign. A number with a plus is only valid if the plus is at the beginning of the phone number.
  2. We first test if the number has a valid international format. +44 1234 123456 is valid, 1234 123456 is not valid.
  3. If the number is not valid according to the test in step 2, we test if this phone number is valid in the country that is set as the default in Payt. If this is England, then 07 1234 5678 is valid; if, for example, this is the US, then 07 1234 5678 is not valid.
  4. If the number is not valid according to the test in step 3, we test if this phone number is valid in the country where the debtor resides/is established. For this, we check the postal address. If we cannot validate this, we fall back on the country code.
  5. If the number is found to be invalid after going through the previous steps, a warning is displayed.

For valid phone numbers, we also check if the number is entered in the correct field; for example, if you enter a VOIP number in a field for mobile numbers, we warn that SMS messages cannot be sent to it.