2024-03 Payt Update: March
Every day we are working on implementing new features, improving the ease of use and performance of Payt. In March, we made a number of improvements that we'd like to share with you.
Last updated: April 12, 2024
Sending days per month
From now on, you can set which days of the month you want to send invoices and reminders. This can be set in your 'Invoicing' settings in the administration settings.
Have you set up that reminders can only be sent on the last 7 days of the month, as shown in the example above? Then, during those 7 days, the application checks which invoices have reached their due date. Invoices that have not yet expired will therefore not be reminded.
Automatically or manually mark messages as read
With the arrival of the new inbox, we have added a setting. In your organisation settings, you will now find an 'Inbox' tab. By default, messages should be manually marked as read in the inbox. If you prefer to mark them as read automatically by opening the message in the inbox, this setting will adjust that.
Search by postal code
We've added a new way to search for customers: you can now search by postcode in Payt. This works at customer and invoice level.