Twinfield: Where do I enter my customer's address?

Read more about different address types in Twinfield: billing address, postal address, and visiting address

Several address types are available in Twinfield. Below is an overview of the address fields that Payt retrieves. To retrieve the mail address from Twinfield, Payt uses the following order. If the first one is present, this is the one that will be used in Payt, and so on.

  1. Electronic billing mail address (Tab 'Other')
  2. Billing address
  3. Postal address
  4. Visiting address
  5. Credit management mail address

Please note: The 'Electronic invoicing' mail address is only used for invoice sending and the 'Credit management' mail address is only used for reminders. These can be used together.

It is also possible to specify in Twinfield which address field is used by default. In Payt, an administration setting ('Administration settings' - 'Import') is available that will make Payt look at the default address instead of using the order above. A Payt employee can help you set this up.