How do I deactivate a user?

Read here how to deactive or delete a user in Payt.

Deactivating a user is often used when, for example, someone is no longer working for your company. You deactive a user via the organisation settings. To do this, click on 'Organisation settings' on your organisation dashboard.organisation_dashboard_organisation_settings

Here, a 'Users' tab is available on the left-hand side. You can deactivate a user by clicking on the lock on the right-hand side. This user can then no longer log into Payt.

Pleas note: Deactivating users can only be done by someone with full rights at organisation level.

Delete connection user after deactivation

If the deactivated user is also the connection user (the user who is linked to the accounting package), your automatic imports will st op working after deactivating their account. In this case, it is necessary to delete the connection with this user and set up a new connection with another user. You can request for the connection to be deleted by the Payt service desk.